Her inspiration came from the attitude to be ambitious and still enjoy life. The realization came early: only a COMBINATION brings happiness and satisfaction.
Anne Dickhardt has always dreamt about her perfect bag. The idea came already as a teenager because as a professional tennis player she traveled the world! During her countless trips, it was never possible to put all the belongings in only one bag which could be worn comfortably and looked chic at the same time.
"In the phase of creation, I think about all daily situations and include them in my designs”.
Anne's philosophy of life is being reflected in her designs as well - everything combined in one and looking good at the same time! As a successful tennis player, Anne trained hard but never renounced on the important things in life: family, friends, vacation, style and just enjoying life!
After a sports accident at the age of 17, Anne's life changed promptly - but an ANY Diva doesn't give up, thus she dedicated herself to her other passion, the design!

While studying fashion in Munich, Anne developed her idea for a versatile high-end collection in terms of design and comfort. In 2015 the time had come: with ANY DI she realized her dream - the start of her first own collection. The My Life Collection. Inspired by the idea of a high-quality and elegant bag for every woman and for every situation, she created not only unique designs but also the design-patented ANY DI strap system for numerous carrying options. Her practice-oriented, down-to-earth philosophy is what makes her so successful.
Anne's unbelievable feeling for innovation and modern luxury does not stop at accessories either: The ANY DI SunCover is - due to its unique shape, the luxurious design combined with a new function - the signature piece of the brand.
The soft glasses case protects glasses of all shapes and sizes and takes up little space in the handbag.

The search for the origin of the brand leads back to Anne's childhood. ANY DI was the nickname that her friends gave her and which she still carries today. Their clear vision and down-to-earth attitude, as well as the skillful combination of playful ease and quality at the highest level, make the label so unique and successful.